Thursday, January 5, 2012

The TYPES OF CONFLICT Generally Found In The Workplace

Though they may be divided into different sub-groups, the types of conflict generally found in the workplace are basically: 'Task Conflicts' and 'Personal Conflicts'

Task Conflicts

Task conflicts are based on substantive workplace issues.  These include: interdependence disputes, differences in style disputes and leadership disputes. 
  • Interdependence Disputes are those wherein one employee has to rely on his/her colleague's cooperating to get the job done.
  • Differences in Style Disputes are those involving employees who have different ways of approaching the completion of a task.
  • Leadership Style Disputes are those caused by the different managerial style of different managers and supervisors within the organization.
As individuals, employees not only have different backgrounds, values and beliefs, they also have different approaches to how they do things.  As such task conflicts will always be present in the workplace.  Though they may seem to be a cause for great concern on the surface, the innovative solutions gained from resolving task conflicts can sometimes lead to a more efficient and positive workplace.

Personal Conflicts

Did you know that personal conflicts, account for 85% of all employment terminations in the U.S.? That is a daunting statistic. As you have also seen before differences in educational backgrounds, ethnic heritage, gender, political preferences, can, in and of themselves, serve as the cause of conflict.

Not only that, each characteristics can also color an employee's perception of existing conflict. As such, the employee's view of the motives and character of the colleagues with whom he/she is in dispute will be distorted to the point where he/she automatically views all the actions of the other as problematic regardless of whether or not this is objectively true. These personality clashes are commonly dismissed as simply 'office politics' or 'bad chemistry'. However, if they are allowed to continue unchecked, you have already seen how they can usually escalate into so much more.

As an employer, there is no reason to fear what you cannot eliminate. Task and Personal Conflicts will naturally occur in the workplace. Basic training along with simple, common sense techniques are all that is needed to achieve workplace harmony. 

~Here is to Zen In The Workplace!

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